Spring Cleaning Checklists

Since almost everyone is stuck at home right now I don’t think I’m alone in wanting to deep clean everything. I find I’m way more productive in cleaning when I have a list to follow, and things to physically check off. But actually thinking of the things I need to do can be hard! I [...]

This is Three

Everything I Want to Remember of Lydia as a Three Year Old Loving her is easy and effortless. She loves and craves alone time. When I can't find her I'll look around the house and find her in her room quietly reading to her animals. She always has something in her arms. It's usually a [...]

Creating a Village in the Absence of One

In a world where it's so easy to "friend" someone on social media, why is the essence of "the village" so lacking, and actually making friends so difficult? So... What does it mean to have a village? It means popping over to the neighbour's to borrow eggs you don’t have to finish the muffins you [...]

If You Put Down Your Phone for a Day

If you put down your phone for a day.. what would you miss? You might miss your cousins baby crawling for the first time. You might miss the 7th share of someone telling Instagram what the weather will be today. You might miss the 3rd vacation post, someone on a hot holiday that just makes [...]