21 Things Not to Say to Someone Struggling with Mental Health

There are so many different things that people struggle with under the broad term "mental health". Just a few months ago I was diagnosed with ADHD. A few months before that I was diagnosed as having severe general anxiety and depression. Two weeks ago my psychiatrist told me I have bipolar. It didn't really come [...]

A Letter to My Friends; When I Suck at Being a Friend

Dear Friends; I suck at being a friend right now. And I'm really sorry- but I'm also not. You see... I'm learning how to say no. I'm learning how to prioritize what I need to do to keep my own head above water. It's kind of like you're swimming with someone, and you start drowning. [...]

ADHD in Adulthood

I don't even know where to start with this. It's so different than what I usually write and it's super vulnerable. I'm having a hard time knowing what to share and what not to share; how much I want to protect myself and how open I want to be to show others they're not alone. [...]

Mental Health & Me

A Testimony of How God Restored My Faith and Brought Me Out of Darkness For the past few months our pastor has been doing a series of sermons on mental health. He's shared different people in the Bible that suffered with different mental health issues, as well as people in the church have shared their [...]

Why Am I Here?

Finding Purpose in the Life of "Just Another Blogger". Lately I've been talking to a few friends about "blogger life". It's a weird thing, really. To write something and know that it's out there for everyone to read, forever. It's weird sharing such intimate parts of my life. It's weird knowing that these words in [...]